US Service Dog Register


The Americans with Disibilities act of 1990 allows you to travel freely with your service animal (airlines may not charge extra fees) and allows you access to any public place or facility. You can not be denied housing nor be made to pay deposits or additional fees for having one of these animals, as they are not "pets" but instead classified by the government as "working animals".

Violation of these laws by a business is very serious. Businesses that violate the rules of the ADA can be required to pay monetary damages and penalties. There are have been a number of business who have not fully understood that discriminating against a service animal is the same as discriminating against the disabled and have denied access to their business by the service animal. The U.S. Justice department has sued these businesses on the behalf of the disabled, requiring them to pay monetary damages, modify practices as they relate to service animals, and retrain staff. Additionally a person may sue for civil damages with a private attorney for monetary damage.

Basic Registration Package

Certificate, ID Card with halogram authentification, online verification and download of certificate and ID


plus $5.00 shipping and handling

Deluxe Registration Package

Certificate, ID Card åwith halogram authentification, Vest, ID Tag,  online verification and download of certificate and ID

Vest comes in choice of yellow orange or red.


plus $5.00 shipping and handling

Extra ID Cards

$15.00 each

Extra Service Dog Tag

$8.00 each

Turn your dog into an obedient pet - Free Dog Training Course. Sign up now.

You will be redirected to enter your dogs details after payment is processed. Thank You

If you place an order and do not complete the information needed , your order will be delayed.


Online Registration Check only. Be registered in the Database.

NOTE: No ID or certificate available for viewing or download

click here for an example and enter:

John Smith for the handler name and

Sample for the service dog name
